“A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” Colin Powell
In 2010 there was already a well-established and successful Jewish nursery in Wimbledon. The concept of starting a primary school in the area aligned with the nursery’s experience as its guide was only a dream. At that time there was no available route to establishing a school accessible to all and funded by the government!
However the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition introduced free schools following the 2010 general election as part of the Big Society initiative. Free schools were an extension of the academy programme, and parents, teachers, charities and business could set up their own schools if they navigated the extremely demanding and competitive, application process.
This initiative offered a possible window of opportunity to the Jewish Community to propose a ‘faith school for our times’ a Jewish school for all Jews irrespective of their level of observance. To be designated as a faith school at least 50% of places needed to be open to all members of the wider community. This was central to the ethos and vision of the founders of Mosaic as was the importance of respecting all Jews and those of all other faiths, beliefs and none.
The Pupil Premium is a grant given to schools which is additional to main school funding.
It is allocated according to the number of pupils on-roll who are eligible for free school meals (FSM).
In 2012, funding was extended to include pupils who have been eligible for FSM at any time within the past six years.
The Sports Premium is a grant given to schools which is additional to main school funding. The aim is to ensure all young people have the opportunity to live healthy and active lives. A positive experience of sport and physical activity at a young age can build a lifetime habit of participation and is central to meeting the government’s ambitions for a world-class education system.
Mosaic Jewish Primary school is an inclusive school and we believe that all children should be given the opportunities to reach their full potential. As a school we work together to ensure that children are challenged and supported in all lessons and, where needed, are given additional support.
From time to time many children will need special help either to overcome a learning difficulty, or to ensure that the curriculum fully extends their abilities. Specialist help is available within the school. Our Special Needs co-ordinator, Mrs Brown, oversees the work of a team of teachers and classroom assistants who support and advise the classroom teacher. They work with focus groups of children and monitor their progress.
Additional help is available, when appropriate, from Educational Psychologists and other outside support agencies.
Children who have a specific area of need are given an SEND Support Plan which is reviewed throughout the year. Children, parents and the school are very much part of this process.
If you need to speak to Mrs Brown, please email her on nicola.brown@mjps.og.uk
There are three main Committees, each concerned with a key area of the School’s operations and performance. The focus of their activities each year is on the progress made towards specific strategic goals as laid out in the School Development Plan. The Committees also monitor the School’s delivery of statutory requirements as regards the education and wellbeing of pupils and the management of staff and resources.
Structure of committee
Finance Committee Terms of Reference
Attendance Record 2023-24
Risk and Audit Committee Terms of Reference
Safeguarding at Mosaic
Our Safeguarding Team
Mosaic Jewish Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the physical, mental and emotional welfare of every pupil, both inside and outside of the school premises.
Safeguarding children in our current climate encompasses many areas: child protection, online safety, the security of our school as a site, health and safety, behaviour, our anti-bullying policy, radicalisation, racism and discrimination, child on child abuse and contextual safeguarding amongst others.
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs L Gyepi-Garbrah (Acting Headteacher)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs S Doan (Acting Deputy Headteacher)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs N Brown (SENDCo)
What to do if you have a safeguarding concern
In an emergency:
If you are concerned that a child may be at imminent risk of significant harm, please contact the Police on 999.
If it is not an emergency, contact the schools’ Safeguarding team via email:
Safeguarding@mjps.co.uk or call 020 8944 8731
Outside of school hours, including school holidays
If you have a concern about a child outside of school hours, including during the school holidays, please call the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH):
· Office Hours: 020 8871 6622 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm)
· Out of Hours: 020 8871 6000 (out of hours) · Email: mash@wandsworth.gov.uk
Sharing concerns:
If you have a safeguarding concern about a member of staff working or volunteering in the school, contact the Headteacher – Mrs Gyepi-Garbrah headteacher@mjps.org.uk
If you have a safeguarding concern about the Headteacher, contact the Safeguarding Governor, Mrs William vicky.william@mjps.org.uk or the Chair of Governors, Mrs Muallem chair@mjps.org.uk
Alternatively, you can contact Ms Gibbons, the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO by phone (via Mash) on 020 8871 622 or by email LADO@wandsworth.gov.uk
Keeping Children Safe in Education is the key information from the Government around safeguarding and all our staff read Part 1 and its updates at the beginning of the school year. We provide regular updates and reminders throughout the year to make sure training is current. We ensure that everyone who works in our school has undergone the relevant DBS checks and are legally entitled to work in the UK. Any adult working with children will receive appropriate safeguarding training.
Prevent Duty
As part of our safeguarding and child protection duties we support the government’s Prevent Strategy and Educate Against Hate initiatives. From 1 July 2015, all schools are subject to a duty under section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, in the exercise of their functions, to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. This duty is known as the Prevent Duty for Schools. We build pupils’ resilience to radicalisation by promoting fundamental British values. The statutory guidance refers to the importance of Prevent awareness training to equip staff to identify pupils at risk of being drawn into terrorism and to challenge extremist ideas. Staff have undergone Prevent awareness training.
We work alongside the CST (Community Security Trust) to ensure that our children are kept safe at all times. CST will advise us for outings and off site residentials. For more information about the CST, please visit their website: https://cst.org.uk/
Safeguarding Policies:
Keeping Children Safe In Education 2023: Statutory guidance for schools and colleges
E-Safety Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
​Links to external providers / support:
Emotional Well-being and Mental Health