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Safeguarding, Behaviour and Wellbeing
Chair: Vicky Williams





Safeguarding, Behaviour and Wellbeing Committee


  • oversee the school’s contribution to pupil well-being, including the extent to which pupils feel safe, adopt healthy lifestyles and contribute to the school and wider community; 

  • oversee the policies and provision relating to home/school links and community cohesion; 

  • oversee the school’s plans and activities to project and promote its vision, values and achievements to parents and carers (current and potential), the wider community and local opinion formers. 




The Safeguarding, Behaviour and Wellbeing Committee will keep under review: 


  • the school Behaviour Policy and associated issues e.g. anti-bullying, and evaluate their implementation and outcomes via monitoring the impact on exclusions and incidents in the school; 

  • the school Exclusion Policy and nominate three non-staff governors to form a Pupil Exclusions Review Panel if required; 

  • the school Attendance Policy and its outcome; 

  • the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and its procedures and nominate a non-staff governor to have special responsibility for Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and Procedures (for the avoidance of doubt the Safeguarding Governor can be an associate governor); the Safeguarding Governor should visit the school each term, and prepare a written report on their observations and meetings; the Safeguarding Governor and the SEN Governor (Curriculum and Achievement Committee) may be the same governor if agreed by the Chair of GB and the Headteacher; 

  • the views of pupils, how these are sought and taken into account in formulating school policy and practice; 

  • the engagement of parents and carers with the school; in particular how parental views are gathered and taken into account in developing school policy and practice, and how home-school links are developed and extended; 

  • the Parents/Carers Complaints Policy, ensure high awareness throughout the school community and nominate two non-staff governors for any Complaints Review Panel as required; 

  • the effectiveness of communications with parents, including statutory requirements such as the prospectus, school profile, complaints policy and home-school agreement, as well as other initiatives such as the web-site, newsletters and other communications activities;  

  • community links, community use of the school and the perception of the school amongst the local community and opinion formers; in particular evaluating the school’s contribution to promoting community cohesion and monitoring changes in the awareness of the school’s improvement and growing achievements; 

  • the range and impact of the extended school offer to all pupils; 

  • the welfare requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage; 

  • receive reports from members of staff about matters relating to any of the issues listed in the above terms of reference. 

  • contribute to, monitor and evaluate relevant parts of the Self Evaluation Form, the School Development Plan and the policies indicated above, reporting or making recommendations to the Governing Body as appropriate. 

  • consider recommendations from relevant external reviews e.g. Audit, Ofsted or local authority review, and agree the actions needed to address any issues identified, monitoring and regularly evaluating the implementation of any agreed plan, and reporting or making recommendations to the Governing Body as appropriate. 

  • take appropriate action on any other relevant matter as referred by the Governing Body. 


Statutory policies and documents to be reviewed by the Safeguarding, Behaviour and Wellbeing Committee: 


  • Homework Policy and Home School Agreement 

  • Behaviour Policy including Attendance and Exclusion  

  • Anti-Bullying and e-Safety Policies 

  • Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 

  • Parents/Carers Complaints Policy

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