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Quality of Education and Ethos Committee 

Chair: Jo Dallal â€‹



 The Quality of Education and Ethos Committee will: 

  • Oversee pupil achievement, ensuring the school provides a high quality learning experience and delivers a broad and balanced curriculum in keeping with the school’s aims and legal requirements; 

  • Oversee the provision of teaching and learning to ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to achieve their maximum potential, including those children who have SEND or who are Gifted and Talented; 

  • Oversee the range and breadth of the curriculum, monitoring pupil participation and achievement across all areas of extended learning and experience; 




The Quality of Education and Ethos Committee will: 


  • keep under review the school’s curriculum policy and statutory obligations about the National Curriculum; 

  • recommend to the Governing Body the school’s pupil performance targets; 

  • monitor school-based, local and national performance data and reports (eg School Improvement Partner report and Raise online), evaluating achievement and analysing the performance of different groups and subjects; 

  • keep under review the SEND policy and nominate a governor to have special responsibility for monitoring SEN provision (for the avoidance of doubt, the nominated SEN Governor can be an associate governor); the SEN Governor should visit the school each term, and prepare a written report for the Committee on their observations and meetings.

  • via the SEND Governor reports and regular review, monitor the school’s fulfilment of its responsibilities for pupils with special educational needs, including those with disabilities; 

  • monitor the provision for and the progress and attainment of vulnerable or designated groups e.g. looked after children, traveller children etc. and the effectiveness of any intervention strategies; specifically, monitor the effectiveness of the deployment of the Pupil Premium Funding and ensure that this information is made available to both parents and the wider community; 

  • monitor the quality of teaching and learning for all pupils, including those children who are designated Gifted and Talented; 

  • keep under review provision and policies for Sex and Relationships Education, Jewish Learning and Religious Education and make recommendations to the Governing Body as necessary; 

  • keep under review the impact of the Equality Policy (including gender, race, religious group, disability) in relation to teaching and learning, curriculum, achievement and progress; 

  • determine, monitor and evaluate the range and the impact of extended activities on pupil learning; 

  • monitor the overall effectiveness of the Early Years Foundation stage, including outcomes, quality of provision and effectiveness of leadership; 

  • determine and review the charging policy for school activities; 

  • agree holiday dates and any changes to school session times. 

  • receive reports from members of staff about matters relating to any of the issues listed in the above terms of reference. 

  • contribute to, monitor and evaluate the relevant parts of the SEF, the School Development Plan and the policies indicated above, reporting or making recommendations to the Governing Body as appropriate; 

  • consider recommendations from relevant external reviews for example Audit, Ofsted or local authority review and agree the actions needed to address any issues identified, monitoring and regularly evaluating the implementation of any agreed plan, reporting or making recommendations to the Governing Body as appropriate; 

  • take appropriate action on any other relevant matter as referred by the Governing Body. 


Statutory policies and documents reviewed by Quality of Education and Ethos committee: 


  • Equality and Diversity Policy and Statement 

  • SEN Policy

  • Sex and Relationships Education Policy 

  • Statement of Pupil Premium Funding Deployment 

  • Charging Policy (parents for school activities) 

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